Friday, 13 April 2018

005 AngularJS Modules

AngularJS :Module 
AngularJS declare a new application with module.Module is top level of an AngularJS Application.Every element of an AngularJS application comes under Module.Controller,Scope,Directive comes under Module.The element declared under a module , is accessible throughout the module .A module can hold multiple controller and directives.Module is defined as regular javascript object.

Here is example of module declaration.

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);

ng-app is the module directive . ng-app accept the module name , which actually instruction  to load

an module.It is entry point of an application.

Here is example of module directive initialization.
<div ng-app="myApp">


AngularJS :Controller
AngularJS controller is an JavaScript object.Each controller comes under a module.


                    <script src="">    </script>

                    var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
                    app.controller("myCtrl", function ($scope) {
                     $scope.Message = "I am Learing AngularJs";

          <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
                    {{ Message }}

I am Learing AngularJs

Controller control the application.Controller is reffed as ng-controller directive.Controller is a constructor function ,  an object $scope is passed as an argument to the controller.

Below is an example of Controller with array of object .The object value displays as in output.

           <script src=""></script>
          <body ng-app="myapp">
             angular.module("myapp", [])
             .controller("myController", function ($scope) {
             $scope.items = ['User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3'];
     <div ng-controller="myController">
     <tr ng-repeat="obj in items">
     Name :

Name : User 1
Name : User 2
Name : User 3 

Below is an example of multiple Controller in a single application.


          <script src=""></script>
       <body ng-app="myapp">
          angular.module("myapp", [])
          .controller("myController1", function ($scope) {
                      $scope.items = ['User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3'];
           .controller("myController2", function ($scope) 
                     $scope.items = ['Person 1', 'Person 2', 'Person 3'];
          <div ng-controller="myController1">
         <tr ng-repeat="obj in items">
        Name :
        <div ng-controller="myController2">
        <tr ng-repeat="obj in items">
        Name :

Output :

Name : User 1
Name : User 2
Name : User 3

Name : Person 1
Name : Person 2
Name : Person 3

AngularJS :Directive

Directive add functionality to the  application .There are a set of inbuilt Directive in the AngularJS.Each has a specific functionality.Below are some of the inbuilt Directive.

ng-app        : Defines a an application.
ng-bind       : Bind the HTML  to application data.
ng-click      : When clicked , some operation is done.
ng-controller : Defines the controller object.
ng-disabled   : Detect  an element is disabled or not.
ng-init       : Set initial values for an application variable.

Below is a simple example of directive usage.


<script src=""></script>
             var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
              app.controller("myCtrl", function ($scope) 
                   $scope.firstString = "I am Learing ";
                   $scope.secondString = " AngularJS ";

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
{{ firstString + " " + secondString }}

Output :
I am Learing AngularJS

A directive can be made custom.Below is a example of Custom Directive.

The directive name is 'myCustomDirective' , when mouse is take over the place , where is directive is placed , the back ground color change , when click text change automatically


           <script src=""></script>
                  var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
                  app.directive('myCustomDirective', function () {
                  return {
                  link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
                  element.bind('click', function () {
                          element.html('Success your First Directive Test');
                  element.bind('mouseover', function () {
                  element.css('background-color', 'red');
                 element.bind('mouseleave', function () {
                  element.css('background-color', 'white');
<div ng-app="myApp" >
<div my-custom-directive>Here is the Result</div>

Here is the Result
Here is the Result
Success your First Directive Test

Generally directive name are written in CamelCase . It is recommend to write directive name dash delimited format . For example 'StudentName' should be written as 'Student-Name'.

Below is another example of custom directives.


       <script src=""> </script>
               background-color: red;
               font-size: large;
               height: 100px;
               width: 200px;
               color: aqua;

         var app = angular.module("myApp", []);

         app.directive('myCustomDirective', function () 

          return {

         link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {

         restrict: 'A',

         element.bind('click', function () {

This is simple Custom Directive





        <div ng-app="myApp">
                 <div my-custom-directive>
               Click Me!</div>


Click Me!-->>Click>>

An AngularJS can create the custom directive for the following types of elements.Restrict mode ensure that directive will activate with the matching element only.

Element directives : Restriction mode 'E'. This mode activate for type element only.

Example :


Attribute : Restriction mode 'A'.
This mode activate for type attribute only.

Example :


CSS : Restriction mode 'C'.This mode activate for class only.

Example :


Comment : Restriction mode 'M'.This mode activate for comments only.

0223 Maintain Security Passport Authentication

Passport Authentication 
Passport authentication is a centralized authentication system provide by several authentication authority like Microsoft , Google ,Facebook , VeriSign etc . With this technique , a website do not required to store user credential, rather it uses Passport authentication service for authentication . When user come for login in the  website , the response is redirected to the passport authentication authority for verification. The passport authentication authority verify the user credential and redirect to the website again with indicator that the user is valid or not and some other information about user.If found valid user ,he website allow user to go home page and other options.


             A passport authentication authority can server  a number of website. It is a centralized system used by thousand of website to verify authentication of the user.

           A number of password authentication provider are available now a days, we will consider Microsoft single sign on password authentication for this lesson.

          The first time you need to do, you have to change the web config file authentication mode to passport. 

xml version="1.0"?>
               <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"/>
                <authentication mode="Passport">
                     <passport redirectUrl=""/>

           The second step, you need to download SDK , from Microsoft website and install it to your server. Passport authentication authenticate user name password profile to identify authorized user.

            When passport authentication is called, the process generate several cookies , to hold information about login user. If these cookies are active,  you do not need to sign on again. For example , you have logged in a website with single sign on, you have close your browser without sign out procedure. Again open the browser and enter the link of the website, now you will notice that you will allow to direct home page , not in the login system, no need to sign in again. This is because, cookie generated at you first login time , are still active, the website has used the same cookie again.

            To avoid the situation , delete the cookies at the time of sign out. Each cookie  have a expire time. If you said expired time now, the cookie will be expire instantly.

Here is a example of the same.

protected void btnSignOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.Request.Cookies["MSPSec"] != null)
                   Response.Cookies["MSPSec"].Expires = DateTime.Now;

            if (Page.Request.Cookies["MSPAuth"] != null)
                  Response.Cookies["MSPAuth"].Expires = DateTime.Now;

            if (Page.Request.Cookies["MSPProf"] != null)
                Response.Cookies["MSPProf"].Expires = DateTime.Now;

              Now, if you try to test application locally, you will find that the application will  redirect to the authentication provider login, you have to enter the valid credentials,then , you will be directed to  your website. As your website URL and your localhost URL are not same , you will get an error. To test the single sign on, you have to host your website to a webserver with proper URL , where redirection addresses accessible globally.


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