Private Constructor : We can declare a constructor private also ,this is a special instance
constructor. Classes that contain static members only are generally used
Private construtor . By setting the access modifier to
private it make clear that the constructor can not be instantiated .Generally in
designed pattern , Singleton pattern
Follow the rule ,
where class constructor is private .This make sure in a whole solution only one
instance of class can be created.
Example 1:
public class
public int
A; // Instance field
public classB()
// TODO: Add
constructor logic here
private classB() // This is the private constructor
this.A = 5;
Example 2: Designed Patterns
//Create a singleton
public sealed
class myClass
private static myClass instance = null;
private static readonly object instancelock = new
public myClass() //general constructor
public static
myClass Instance
lock (instancelock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new myClass();
return instance;
//Calling instance of
protected void Button1_Click(object
sender, EventArgs e)
var instance1 = myClass.Instance;
var instance2 = new myClass();
//only one instance of this class is possible