Sonjukta Introduces two tools,that convert hexadecimal to Red,Green,Blue and Red,Green,Blue to hexadecimal format.
It is very much required in Web Design to change color code between two format . Sometimes some input takes hexadecimal format and someone to take rgb format . This is a very complex calculation to convert rgb into hexadecimal format, these are multi step mathematics calculation, which is done to convert RGB to hexadecimal or hexadecimal to RGB .This calculation is very much complex and time consuming. Sonjukta introduced tools that can convert both way.
Why you should use this tool ?
1) This tools are free and no licensing is required ,these to do not need to install ,it is browser defended and it run on every Browser. This is platform independent and it is device independent, only you need to input your value or Dragon drop ,if there is change of value, with the change of value, you can be visualize with the changes of color code. You can Copy or Download the code from this tool.
2)This tool tested many times and gives exact value of the changes color , you do not need to taste again to multiple device.It is already tested and work properly in all the browser and CSS3 and CSS also.
3)The most beautiful and advantage of the tool is visualization. Along with putting the value , you can drag and drop the control to change the value of color and when you change the value of color ,you will be notice changing of color.
4)Another very important feature of this tool is, the tool does not send your data to the server. That total magic happen on your browser ,only so you have no fear to lose your data or hand work to steal by anyone , the total work will be in your client machine and browser.
5)The tool does not uses cookies to store user information or session so you do not have to fear to leak out your data or a personal information. Being open source software ,it is a very fast and quick and time saving.
6)That is why Sonjukta's color coding tools are gaining popularity. Everyday a large number number of visitor comes to use this tools.
Here is the tool
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