Friday, 8 June 2018

006 BackboneJS Built-in Events add , remove

BackboneJS allows the use of global events where applicable in the application Below is the list of built-in Backbone events, with arguments.You can also trigger your own events on Models.

  • "add" (model, collection, options) — To add a model  to a collection.
  • "remove" (model, collection, options) — To remove a model is removed from a collection.
  • "update" (collection, options) — An event triggered after  models have been added or removed from a collection.
  • "reset" (collection, options) — Trigger if the collection's all contents have been reset.
  • "sort" (collection, options) — Trigger if  collection has been re-sorted.
  • "change" (model, options) — Trigger if model's attributes have changed.
  • "change:[attribute]" (model, value, options) — Trigger if a specific attribute has been updated.
  • "destroy" (model, collection, options) — Trigger if model is destroyed.
  • "request" (model_or_collection, xhr, options) — Trigger if a model or collection has started a request to the server.
  • "sync" (model_or_collection, response, options) — Trigger if model or collection has been successfully synced with the server.
  • "error" (model_or_collection, response, options) — Trigger if model's or collection's request to the server has failed.
  • "invalid" (model, error, options) — Trigger if model's validation fails on the client.
  • "route:[name]" (params) — Trigger by the router if a specific route is matched.
  • "route" (route, params) — Trigger by the router if any route has been matched.
  • "route" (router, route, params) — Trigger by history if any route has been matched.
  • "all" — It fires for all the triggered events by the passing event name as the first argument.

Example of  "add"

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

         <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

     <script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

var obj1 = Backbone.Model.extend({
    name: "john",
   class: "2"

var objCollcetion = Backbone.Collection.extend({
     model: obj1

var obj2 = new obj1({ name: "john2", class: "3" });
var obj3 = new obj1({ name: "john3", class: "4" });

var objCollcetion = new objCollcetion();
objCollcetion.add([obj2, obj3]);

document.write('Here is the result' + '');

objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) 
        document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');


Output :

Here is the result

Example of  "remove"

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src=""

<script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

var obj1 = Backbone.Model.extend({
name: "john",
class: "2"

var objCollcetion = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: obj1

var obj2 = new obj1({ name: "john2", class: "3" });
var obj3 = new obj1({ name: "john3", class: "4" });

var objCollcetion = new objCollcetion();
objCollcetion.add([obj2, obj3]);

document.write('Here is the result' + '');

objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) {
document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');

document.write('---------------------' + '');

document.write('Here is the result after remove' + '');


objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) {

document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');

Output :

Here is the result
Here is the result after remove

005 BackboneJS Events once,listenTo,stopListening,listenToOnce

  • once : Similar to "on", but "once" fire only once before being removed.

            1)event − It binds an object.

            2)callback − It is the reference to the code.

            3)context − An java script object that can be passed to a callback function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
             <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src=""
            <script src=""


<script type="text/javascript">
         var obj = {};

        _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);

         var Function1 = function () 
                  document.write("I am learing BackBoneJS");

         var Function2 = function () 
                  document.write("I am learing Backbone Events");

         obj.once("PassMsg", Function1);
         obj.once("PassMsg", Function2);

         document.write("-------------calling first time-----------");


         document.write("-------------calling second time-----------");



Output :
-------------calling first time-----------
I am learing BackBoneJS
I am learing Backbone Events
-------------calling second time----------

  • listenTo : It tells an object to listen to particular event on an another object. listenTo to keep track of the events, and that can be removed later.

object.listenTo(other, event, callback)

            1)event − It binds an object.

            2)callback − It is the reference to the code.

            3)context − An java script object that can be passed to a callback function.

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

     <script src=""

     <script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">
         var obj1 = {};
         var obj2 = {};

        _.extend(obj1, Backbone.Events);
        _.extend(obj2, Backbone.Events);

        var Function1 = function () 
               document.write("I am learing BackBoneJS");

        // The object 'obj2' listens once for the 'PassMsg' event triggered on object 'obj1'
        obj2.listenTo(obj1, 'PassMsg', Function1)


Output :

I am learing BackBoneJS

  • stopListening :Instruct an object to stop listening to events

stopListening(other, event, callback) 

1)other: Define the name of the other object.
2)event − It binds an object.
3)callback − It is the reference to the code.


 <!DOCTYPE html>
             <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

             <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
      var obj1 = {};
          var obj2 = {};

         _.extend(obj1, Backbone.Events);
         _.extend(obj2, Backbone.Events);

        var Function1 = function () 
                         document.write("I am learing BackBoneJS");

         document.write("---Before Firing Stop Listeing----------");
        // The object 'obj2' listens once for the 'PassMsg' event triggered on object 'obj1'
        obj2.listenTo(obj1, 'PassMsg', Function1)

        document.write("---After Firing Stop Listeing----------");
        obj2.stopListening(obj1, "PassMsg");

Output :
---Before Firing Stop Listeing----------
I am learing BackBoneJS
---After Firing Stop Listeing----------

  • listenToOnce :Same as listenTo event, but listento to occur only once before the callback function is being removed.

    object.listenToOnce(other, event, callback)

    other − It defines name of the other object.

    event − It binds an object.

    callback − It is reference to the code and called with object as context.


<!DOCTYPE html>

            <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

             <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
       var obj1 = {};
       var obj2 = {};

       _.extend(obj1, Backbone.Events);
      _.extend(obj2, Backbone.Events);

        var Function1 = function () 
              document.write("I am learing BackBoneJS");

        obj2.listenToOnce(obj1, 'PassMsg', Function1)

       document.write("---First Time Call----------");


      document.write("---Second Time Call----------");

Output :

---Before Firing Stop Listeing----------
I am learing BackBoneJS
---After Firing Stop Listeing----------

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  বাঙালি মানে ঘোড়া পাগল | দু একদিন ছুটি পেলো মানে বাঙালি চলল ঘুরতে | সে সমুদ্রই হোক , পাহাড়ি হোক বা নদী হোক। বাঙালির ...