Monday, 12 March 2018

C # tutorial 046 Structure

Structure is a value type object in.Net framework. Structure is a composite type which can hold element, property, method, constructor, operator in it. Structure is a combination of element to hold a particular composite data.

                                  For example you want to represent Student data. The minimum requirement of the student data is
  • Student name
  • Student roll number. 

Here is the example of how a student structure is defined.


using System;

namespace student
           public struct Student
                     public string name ;
                     public int roll_number ;
                     public double GetFees(string name, int roll_number)
                           return 0.0;
         class student
            static void main(string[] arg)
                Student obj = new Student();
       = "John";
               obj.roll_number = 100;

Here are some important points related to structure

1) struct keyword is used to represent a structure .
2) You need to create an instance of the structure to use it.
3) Structure can implement interface.
4) Structure is value type.
5) Structure can have method field property index method overloading operator overloading events
6) new keyword is used to create a instance of a structure.
7)Structure do not inherit another structure. That means , structure does not support inheritance.
Example 2
using System;
namespace student
             interface school
                 int GetTotalMarks(int roll_number);
            public struct Student : school
                 private string name ;
                private int roll_number;

               //structure implement property
               public string Name
                              return name;
                               name = value;

                  public int Roll_number
                                       return roll_number;
                                     roll_number = value;
                 //Method Declaration of Interface
                 public double GetTotalMarks(int roll_number)
                             return 0.0;

                //Method Declaration : Custom Method
                public double GetFees(string name, int roll_number)
                     return 0.0;

                   //Method Declaration : Method Overloading
                  public double GetFees(string name)
                       return 0.0;

               class student
                             static void main(string[] arg)
                                    Student obj = new Student();
                                    obj.Name = "John";
                                   obj.Roll_number = 100;

                                   Double GetFees = obj.GetFees(obj.Name, obj.Roll_number);
                                   Console.WriteLine("Fees is :" + GetFees.ToString());

                                  Double GetTotalMarks = obj.GetTotalMarks(obj.Roll_number);
                                  Console.WriteLine("Total Marks is :" + GetTotalMarks.ToString());

You do not need to declare constructor for a structure .By default structure contain constructor. But structure constructor can be defined only for passing parameter to the structure variable. The constructor of a structure also can be overloaded
Example 3

using System;

namespace student
                public struct Student
                     private string name ;
                     private int roll_number;

                public Student(string Xname,int Xroll_number)
               public string GetName()
                   return name;
               public int GetRollNumber()
               return roll_number;
class student
         static void main(string[] arg)
            Student obj = new Student("John",100);

           Console.WriteLine("Fees is :" + obj.GetName().ToString());
           Console.WriteLine("Fees is :" + obj.GetRollNumber().ToString());

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

040 C# tutorial Operator

1.Assignment Operator (=):

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace student
            class student
                  static void Main(string[] args)
                    int a;
                    int b;

                   a = 10;//Assignment Operator
                   b = 10;//Assignment Operator

                  Console.WriteLine("a=" + a.ToString());
                 Console.WriteLine("b=" + b.ToString());
Output :

Operator What is ? Expression Result
+ Do Number Addition a=10,b=10 , c=a+b; c is 20
- Do Number Substraction a=20,b=10 , c=a-b; c is 10
* Do Number Multiplicaion a=20,b=10 , c=a*b; c is 200
% Return Reminder a=21,b=10 , c=a%b; c is 1
++ Increment by One a=10 , a++;; a is 11
-- Decrement by One a=10 , a--; a is 9

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace student
       class student
      static void Main(string[] args)
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;

        a = 10;//Assignment Operator
        b = 10;//Assignment Operator
    //+ Operator
      c = a + b;
      Console.WriteLine("a+b=" +c.ToString() );

      //- Operator
       c = a - b;
       Console.WriteLine("a-b=" + c.ToString());

      //* Operator
      c = a * b;
      Console.WriteLine("a*b=" + c.ToString());

      // / Operator
       c = a / b;
      Console.WriteLine("a/b=" + c.ToString());
   // % Operator
    c = a % b;
   Console.WriteLine("a%b=" + c.ToString());

   // ++ Operator
   a ++;
 Console.WriteLine("a++=" + a.ToString());

    // -- Operator
    a = 10;
    Console.WriteLine("a--=" + a.ToString()); 



Output :
Relational Operator

Operator What is ? Expression Result
== Check Equal a=10,b=10 , a==b; True
> Check Greater Than a=11,b=10 , a>b; True
< Check Less Than a=10,b=11 ,a True
>= Check Greater Than equal to a=10,b=11 ,a>=b; False
<= Check Greater Than equal to a=10,b=11 ,a<=b; True
!= Check Greater Than equal to a=10,b=11 ,a!=b; True

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace student
class student
static void Main(string[] args)
int a;
int b;
bool c;

a = 10;//Assignment Operator
b = 10;//Assignment Operator

//== Operator
c = a == b;
Console.WriteLine("a==b:" +c.ToString() );

//> Operator
c = a > b;
Console.WriteLine("a>b:" + c.ToString());

//< Operator
c = a < b;
Console.WriteLine("a + c.ToString());

//>= Operator
c = a >= b;
Console.WriteLine("a>=b:" + c.ToString());

//<= Operator
c = a <=b;
Console.WriteLine("a<=b:" + c.ToString());

// != Operator
Console.WriteLine("a!=:" + a.ToString());




Output :

বাঙালির বেড়ানো সেরা চারটি ঠিকানা

  বাঙালি মানে ঘোড়া পাগল | দু একদিন ছুটি পেলো মানে বাঙালি চলল ঘুরতে | সে সমুদ্রই হোক , পাহাড়ি হোক বা নদী হোক। বাঙালির ...