1. Difference between ondocumentready and window.onload
window.onload :this fires after all images , css and reference load .It is fired later
ondocumentready :this fires after DOM load , fired first
Then ondocumentready is far better option to manipulate pages
2. Difference between Jscript and Javascript
Both are similar
Jscript: Developed by Microsoft , for internet explorer
Javascript : Developed by Netscape ,for Mozilla
3) How to detect a variable is object ?
var obj
typeof obl === "object"
4) undefined and null
Undefined : A variable is declared but not assign a value
null: A assigned value,It can be assigned to a variable as a representation of no value.
5) “==” and “===”
“==” :check the equality
“===” :check the equality as well as type
6) This keyword
This keyword refer to current object
Example 1.
In a page this is written
this.student_name : will refer the variable (student_name) of current page
In a function this is written
this.student_name : will refer the variable (student_name) of current function
7) IsNan() function
IsNan stands for not a number.It check a variable /value is number or not
A url can not be send in a in a URL, but must be converted to their hex encoding. These functions are used to convert an entire URI to and from a format that can be sent via a URI.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myurl = "http://www.google.com/search?key=A6p-jeArypeJW5-GHWai56-ASIowYjw5"
document.write(myurl );
document.write("encoded: "+encodeURI(myurl ));
9)What is eval()
eval is a method ,it has power to execute small amount/space of code during execution
<script type="text/javascript">
var myvar = "this my javascript";
document.write(eval(myvar ));
this my javascript
10)Javascript object properties
var obj // object declared
Set the value
obj.name="Maria Gomes"
Get the value
11) Event Handlers & addEventListener
We can add event handler in javascript also
Example 1.
function defined separately
document.getElementById("myControl").onclick = myfunction;
function myfunction()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
Example 2.
function defined included
document.getElementById("myControl").onclick = function ()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
Examplie 3.
addEventListener , but does not work in IE yet
document.getElementById("myControl").addEventListener("click", myfunction, false);
function myfunction()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
12)How to convert numbers to strings and strings to numbers
//number to string
var myvalue = "14";
var mystring = myvalue .toString()
// string to number
var myvalue = "14";
var mynumber=parseInt(myvalue )
13) What is shift and unshift
var numbers = ["A", "B", "C", "D"];
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
14)cookies stored in the location
c:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\username\cookies.txt
c:\Windows\Cookies\username@Websitename.txt --file
15) exception handling in javascript
Like java,C,C# javascript also uses exception handling by try,catch, finally
//Code to execute
//exeption part
16) window.navigator
this code is used to get information of user browser
navigator.appName-->Browser Name
navigator.appVersion-->Browser Version
navigator.systemLanguage-->User -Agent Language
navigator.cookieEnabled--->Browser cookie enabled ot not
17)How to stop Execution of setTimeout()
18) for each loop in javascript
19) Recursion in JavaScript
calling a function repetedly
20) Javascript key detection
It is a easy way to detect which key was press.As like normal programming languages like C#, vb.net , they
same way developer can detect key .There are two different type of way to detect key press and other event like mouse click, mouse over.
keyCode and charCode are the keyword to detect event .Some browser support keyCode , some charCode.
we can detect this by
in short form
Here is an example how to detect the event
21) DOM Element properties
attributes[] :Returns the array of attributes
var obj=document.getElementById("myimage").attributes;
var objval= obj[0].value;
var objname= obj[0].name;
var objsrc= obj[0].src;
childNodes[] :Returns the array of childndes
var obj=document.getElementById("someList").attributes;
for (i=0; i<obj.childNodes.length; i++)
if (obj.childNodes[i].nodeName=="LI")
className :Returns css class name of the object
var objclass=document.getElementById("myobject").className;
clientWidth & clientHeight :Returns viewable width ,height of the content on the page
does not consider scrollbars,borders, margins
var vwidth=document.body.clientWidth
var vheight=document.body.clientHeight
dir :Returns text direction left to write and right to left.Terms as ltr,rtl
firstChild :Returns the first child of the node
var obj=document.getElementById("mytext").firstChild;
obj contain first child of mytext
innerHTML :Return the html string contain by the object;
var myhtml="<p>I am learing javascript<p><b>How am i learing ?"
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML=myhtml ;
offsetLeft & offsetTop & offsetParent & offsetWidth & offsetHeight
offset position of the current element relative to its offset container.Left,top,Parent object , width, height of
the object related to the parent who contains it
<form id="myform">
<div id="offset_test">This is my test control</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var objleft =document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetLeft ;
var objtop=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetTop ;
var objparent=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetParent ;
var objwidth=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetWidth ;
var objheight=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetHeight;
scrollLeft & scrollTop & scrollHeight & scrollHeight
22) SessionStorage & LocalStorage
cookies are data , which stored in your local computer , as a text file.cookies are set on local machine , i.e client machine only
document.cookie="YourName=Joe Smith";
24)Form action Property
Set the action property URL of a form
The action property sets or returns the value of the action attribute in a form.
The action attribute specifies where to send the form data when a form is submitted.
var my_action = document.getElementById("myForm").action;
Return the URL for where to send the form data when a form is submitted
25) Form target Property
window.onload :this fires after all images , css and reference load .It is fired later
ondocumentready :this fires after DOM load , fired first
Then ondocumentready is far better option to manipulate pages
2. Difference between Jscript and Javascript
Both are similar
Jscript: Developed by Microsoft , for internet explorer
Javascript : Developed by Netscape ,for Mozilla
3) How to detect a variable is object ?
var obj
typeof obl === "object"
4) undefined and null
Undefined : A variable is declared but not assign a value
null: A assigned value,It can be assigned to a variable as a representation of no value.
5) “==” and “===”
“==” :check the equality
“===” :check the equality as well as type
6) This keyword
This keyword refer to current object
Example 1.
In a page this is written
this.student_name : will refer the variable (student_name) of current page
In a function this is written
this.student_name : will refer the variable (student_name) of current function
7) IsNan() function
IsNan stands for not a number.It check a variable /value is number or not
alert(isNaN(“red”)) will return true
alert(isNaN(5)) will return false
decodeURI(), encodeURI()A url can not be send in a in a URL, but must be converted to their hex encoding. These functions are used to convert an entire URI to and from a format that can be sent via a URI.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myurl = "http://www.google.com/search?key=A6p-jeArypeJW5-GHWai56-ASIowYjw5"
document.write(myurl );
document.write("encoded: "+encodeURI(myurl ));
9)What is eval()
eval is a method ,it has power to execute small amount/space of code during execution
<script type="text/javascript">
var myvar = "this my javascript";
document.write(eval(myvar ));
this my javascript
10)Javascript object properties
var obj // object declared
Set the value
obj.name="Maria Gomes"
Get the value
11) Event Handlers & addEventListener
We can add event handler in javascript also
Example 1.
function defined separately
document.getElementById("myControl").onclick = myfunction;
function myfunction()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
Example 2.
function defined included
document.getElementById("myControl").onclick = function ()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
Examplie 3.
addEventListener , but does not work in IE yet
document.getElementById("myControl").addEventListener("click", myfunction, false);
function myfunction()
alert('function is working') ;
//define function here
12)How to convert numbers to strings and strings to numbers
//number to string
var myvalue = "14";
var mystring = myvalue .toString()
// string to number
var myvalue = "14";
var mynumber=parseInt(myvalue )
13) What is shift and unshift
var numbers = ["A", "B", "C", "D"];
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
document.write(" "+numbers.shift());
14)cookies stored in the location
c:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\username\cookies.txt
c:\Windows\Cookies\username@Websitename.txt --file
15) exception handling in javascript
Like java,C,C# javascript also uses exception handling by try,catch, finally
//Code to execute
//exeption part
16) window.navigator
this code is used to get information of user browser
navigator.appName-->Browser Name
navigator.appVersion-->Browser Version
navigator.systemLanguage-->User -Agent Language
navigator.cookieEnabled--->Browser cookie enabled ot not
17)How to stop Execution of setTimeout()
18) for each loop in javascript
var obj = {prop1: 12, prop2: 24, prop3: 36};
for each (var item in obj)
{ document.write (
19) Recursion in JavaScript
calling a function repetedly
var reverseArray = function(x,indx,str)
if (indx === 0) { // Termination condition
return str; // return default
} else {
return reverseArray(x, --indx, str + " " + x[indx]);
20) Javascript key detection
It is a easy way to detect which key was press.As like normal programming languages like C#, vb.net , they
same way developer can detect key .There are two different type of way to detect key press and other event like mouse click, mouse over.
keyCode and charCode are the keyword to detect event .Some browser support keyCode , some charCode.
we can detect this by
var myCode; if ( e.keyCode ) {
= e.keyCode; } else {
= e.charCode; }
in short form
e stands for event.var
= e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode
Here is an example how to detect the event
<script type="text/javascript"> function detectcode(e){ var=e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.charCode alert(
) } </script> <form> <input type="text" onkeyup="detectcode(event);" /> </form>
This example will return alert box the code of when a key press on the textbox
Now , there are some other ways to detect keys ie, Alt, Shift, Ctrl
here is an example function detectcode(e)
{ var eventtobj=window.event? event : e if (eventtobj.altKey || eventtobj.ctrlKey || eventtobj.shiftKey) alert("you pressed one of the 'Alt', 'Ctrl', or 'Shift' keys") } document.onkeypress=detectcode </script>
charCode works NS/Firefox only
Key | Code |
backspace | 8 |
tab | 9 |
enter | 13 |
shift | 16 |
ctrl | 17 |
alt | 18 |
pause/break | 19 |
caps lock | 20 |
escape | 27 |
page up | 33 |
page down | 34 |
end | 35 |
home | 36 |
left arrow | 37 |
up arrow | 38 |
right arrow | 39 |
down arrow | 40 |
insert | 45 |
delete | 46 |
0 | 48 |
1 | 49 |
2 | 50 |
3 | 51 |
4 | 52 |
5 | 53 |
6 | 54 |
7 | 55 |
8 | 56 |
9 | 57 |
a | 65 |
b | 66 |
c | 67 |
d | 68 |
e | 69 |
f | 70 |
g | 71 |
h | 72 |
i | 73 |
j | 74 |
k | 75 |
l | 76 |
m | 77 |
n | 78 |
o | 79 |
p | 80 |
q | 81 |
r | 82 |
s | 83 |
t | 84 |
u | 85 |
v | 86 |
w | 87 |
x | 88 |
y | 89 |
z | 90 |
left window key | 91 |
right window key | 92 |
select key | 93 |
numpad 0 | 96 |
numpad 1 | 97 |
numpad 2 | 98 |
numpad 3 | 99 |
numpad 4 | 100 |
numpad 5 | 101 |
numpad 6 | 102 |
numpad 7 | 103 |
numpad 8 | 104 |
numpad 9 | 105 |
multiply | 106 |
add | 107 |
subtract | 109 |
decimal point | 110 |
divide | 111 |
f1 | 112 |
f2 | 113 |
f3 | 114 |
f4 | 115 |
f5 | 116 |
f6 | 117 |
f7 | 118 |
f8 | 119 |
f9 | 120 |
f10 | 121 |
f11 | 122 |
f12 | 123 |
num lock | 144 |
scroll lock | 145 |
semi-colon | 186 |
equal sign | 187 |
comma | 188 |
dash | 189 |
period | 190 |
forward slash | 191 |
grave accent | 192 |
open bracket | 219 |
back slash | 220 |
close braket | 221 |
single quote | 222 |
21) DOM Element properties
attributes[] :Returns the array of attributes
var obj=document.getElementById("myimage").attributes;
var objval= obj[0].value;
var objname= obj[0].name;
var objsrc= obj[0].src;
childNodes[] :Returns the array of childndes
var obj=document.getElementById("someList").attributes;
for (i=0; i<obj.childNodes.length; i++)
if (obj.childNodes[i].nodeName=="LI")
className :Returns css class name of the object
var objclass=document.getElementById("myobject").className;
clientWidth & clientHeight :Returns viewable width ,height of the content on the page
does not consider scrollbars,borders, margins
var vwidth=document.body.clientWidth
var vheight=document.body.clientHeight
dir :Returns text direction left to write and right to left.Terms as ltr,rtl
firstChild :Returns the first child of the node
var obj=document.getElementById("mytext").firstChild;
obj contain first child of mytext
innerHTML :Return the html string contain by the object;
var myhtml="<p>I am learing javascript<p><b>How am i learing ?"
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML=myhtml ;
offsetLeft & offsetTop & offsetParent & offsetWidth & offsetHeight
offset position of the current element relative to its offset container.Left,top,Parent object , width, height of
the object related to the parent who contains it
<form id="myform">
<div id="offset_test">This is my test control</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var objleft =document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetLeft ;
var objtop=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetTop ;
var objparent=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetParent ;
var objwidth=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetWidth ;
var objheight=document.getElementById("offset_test").offsetHeight;
scrollLeft & scrollTop & scrollHeight & scrollHeight
22) SessionStorage & LocalStorage
Both allows to save key/value pairs in a web browser. The value must be a string, and save js objects
var user = {'abc':'cde'};
sessionStorage.setItem('user', user);
var obj = sessionStorage.user;
23) How to set and get values of cookies ?cookies are data , which stored in your local computer , as a text file.cookies are set on local machine , i.e client machine only
document.cookie="YourName=Joe Smith";
23)How to add html object in javascript with value
There is the code
function add_Form_Field(form_object,
field_type, field_name, field_value) {
if (form_object) {
var input =
if (document.all) {
input.type = field_type;
input.name = field_name;
input.value = field_value;
} else if (document.getElementById) {
of form
of the field
24)Form action Property
Set the action property URL of a form
The action property sets or returns the value of the action attribute in a form.
The action attribute specifies where to send the form data when a form is submitted.
var my_action = document.getElementById("myForm").action;
Return the URL for where to send the form data when a form is submitted
25) Form target Property
Opens in a new window
Opens in the same frame as it was clicked (default)
Opens in the parent frameset
Opens in the full body of the window
Opens in a named frame
Change where to display the response that is received after
submitting a form (open the response in a new window instead of the same frame
as it was clicked):
26) document.getElementById and document.all
if (document.getElementById)
div = document.getElementById('popupWindow' + n);
else if (document.all)
div = document.all['popupWindow' + n];
document.getElementById, one of the primary methods of the DOM that any modern browser supports
document.all is a proprietary property of IE introduced in IE4
27) Switch statement of javascript
if (document.getElementById)
div = document.getElementById('popupWindow' + n);
else if (document.all)
div = document.all['popupWindow' + n];
document.getElementById, one of the primary methods of the DOM that any modern browser supports
document.all is a proprietary property of IE introduced in IE4
27) Switch statement of javascript
function MyObjectType(obj)
{ switch (obj.constructor) { case Date: document.write("Object is a Date."); break; case Number: document.write("Object is a Number."); break; case String: document.write("Object is a String."); break; default: document.write("Object is unknown."); } }
28) IIF
var a = 2;
var b = 0;
var c = (a > b || b == 0)? "do something" : "do something else";
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