Wednesday, 30 May 2018

010 Node.js EventEmitter

EventEmitter class is used to raise and handle events. An objects  emit events but all  events  are instances of the EventEmitter class. When object emits  event ,event related functions  are called synchronously.


const EventEmitter = require('events');

class objEmitter extends EventEmitter {}

const myEventEmitter = new objEmitter();
myEventEmitter .on('event', () => {
  console.log('an event fired!!');
myEventEmitter .emit('event');

Output :
an event fired!! 

Example Explain : 

The module 'events' included in a variable called 'EventEmitter' .Instance of 'EventEmitter' class created and assigned to 'myEventEmitter'.The eventEmitter.on() method is used to register listeners and eventEmitter.emit() method is used to fires the event.

Below are some method of EventEmitter Class
  • emitter.addListener(eventName, listener)
Attach listener function to listeners array for the event named eventName.
  • emitter.emit(eventName[, ...args])
Calls each of the listeners registered for the event named eventName
one by one.
  • emitter.eventNames()
Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners.
  • emitter.getMaxListeners()
Returns maximum listener value.
  • emitter.listenerCount(eventName)
Returns the number of listeners listening.
  • emitter.listeners(eventName)
Returns a copy of the array of listeners.
  •, listener)
Deactivate the  listener from the listener array.
  • emitter.on(eventName, listener)
Attach listener function to the  listeners array for the event named eventName.By default, event listeners are invoked in a order , as they have are added.

  • emitter.once(eventName, listener)
Attach listener function for one-time.If triggered again , this listener is removed and then invoked.

  • emitter.prependListener(eventName, listener)
Attach the listener function to the beginning of the listeners array. 

  • emitter.prependOnceListener(eventName, listener)
Attach listener function for one-time at the begining of listeners array.

  • emitter.removeAllListeners([eventName])
Removes all listeners.
  • emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener)
Removes the specified listener from the listener array.

  • emitter.setMaxListeners(n)
Allows the limit to be modified for number of listeners

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

010 Node.js Process

The process object is a global object.process object provides information about the current Node.js process. You can use without using require().

Here are some process properties

arch : Returns a string identifying the operating system CPU architecture 'arm', 'ia32', or 'x64'.

args : Returns commands line arguments as an array.

env : Returns an object containing the user environment.

pid : Returns process id(PID) of the process.

platform : Returns a string identifying the operating system platform  'darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'sunos' or 'win32'.

release : Returns the metadata for the current release.

version : Returns the node version string.

versions : Return a object listing the version strings of Node.js and its dependencies.

Example :

console.log(`Process Architecture: ${process.arch}`);
console.log(`Process Arguments: ${process.args}`);
console.log(`Process ID: ${}`);
console.log(`Process Plat Form: ${process.platform}`);
console.log(`Process Release: ${process.release}`);
console.log(`Process Version: ${process.version}`);
console.log(`Process Versions: ${process.versions}`); 

Output :

Here are some process Methods

cwd :Method returns current working directory of the Node.js process.

hrtime : Returns the current high-resolution real time in a [seconds, nanoseconds] array.

memoryUsage : Method returns an object describing information of memory usage.

process.kill :
Method is used to kill process by  sends the signal to the process identified by pid.

uptime : Returns the Node.js process uptime in seconds  current Node.js process has been running.

exit : Ends the process with the specified code. If omitted, exit uses the 'success' code 0.

setgroups : method sets the supplementary group IDs for the Node.js process.

nextTick : method adds the callback to the "next tick queue"

Example :

console.log(`Starting directory: ${process.cwd()}`);
console.log(`Starting directory: ${process.hrtime()}`);
console.log(`Starting directory: ${process.memoryUsage()}`);
console.log(`Starting directory: ${process.uptime()}`);

Output :

Here are some process event

beforeExit : Fires when Node.js empties its event loop and has no additional work to schedule.

exit : Fires when the Node.js process is about to exit.

uncaughtException : Fires when an uncaught JavaScript exception bubbles all the way back to the event loop.

010 Node.js Timer

Timer functions are globals, there is no need to call require('timers').

setTimeout : Established a function to be called after a mentioned milliseconds. 

    console.log("setTimeout: 2000 millisecond completed!..");
}, 2000); 
output :

setInterval : Same function like setTimeout, but it callback repeatedly after every passing of the specified duration. 

    console.log("setInterval: 2000 millisecond completed!.."); 
 }, 2000); 
output :

setImmediate : It is used to execute setImmediate.


output :
clearTimeout : It prevents object created by setTimeout.

var timerObj = setTimeout(function(str1, str2) {
  console.log(str1 + " " + str2);
}, 2000, "Hello.", "world");


output :

clearImmediate: Method can be used to cancel the execution of the callback and created by setImmediate
var myObj = setImmediate(function(str1, str2) {
  console.log(str1 + " " + str2);
},  "Hello.", "world");

output :
Hello. world 

clearInterval : It is used to stop an intervalObject, as created by setInterval.
var myTimerInterval = setInterval(function(str1, str2) {
  console.log(str1 + " " + str2);
}, 1000, "Hello.", "World");


output :

009 Node.js Console

The console module provides a debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism works in web browsers.

  • console.log([data][, ...])
          Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed,first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values.

Example (main.js)

console.log('hello world');
console.log('hello %s', 'world');

Output :

  •[data][, ...])
         The function is alias for console.log().
Prints to stdout with newline with Optional Multiple arguments.

Example (main.js)'Hi,I am learing node.js');

Output :

  • console.error([data][, ...])
         Prints to stderr with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed ,first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values.

Example (main.js)

console.error(new Error('Hi,I am learing node.js'));

Output :

  • console.warn([data][, ...])
          The console.warn() function is alias for console.error().
Prints to stderr with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed,
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values.

Example (main.js)

console.warn('Hi,I am learing node.js');

Output :

  • console.dir(obj[, options])
       Uses util.inspect on obj and prints resulting string to stdout.


  • console.time(label)
        Starts a timer that can be used to compute the duration of an operation.


  • console.timeEnd(label)
Finish timer. Example (main.js)


//Your Statement


Output :

  • console.trace(message[, ...])
      Print to stderr 'Trace :', followed by the formatted message and stack trace to the current position with util.format().

Example (main.js)

console.trace("I am learning nodejs");

Output :

  • console.assert(value[, message][, ...])
 Similar to assert.ok(), but the error message is formatted as util.format(message...).

  • console.dirxml(
      This method calls console.log() passing it the arguments received. Please note that this method does not produce any XML formatting.

023 Weekend Tour Nabadwip and Mayapur

Nabadwip : Nabadwip is famous  among the Bengali religious people. This is a place where Bhakti movement starts in 16 century. Nabadwip is situated and the Western side of Bhagirathi ,in the district of Nadia, West Bengal ,India. Nabadwip  is the birthplace of Lord Sri Chaitanya. Lord  Sri Chaitanya start the vaisnava idea in 16 century from here. Nabadwip meaning collection of 9 island in Bengali. The main attraction of this place is Janmasthan  of Lord Sri Chaitanya. Other attraction is Radha Rani Temple,Sonar Gopal , Surabhi Kung math ,Mahaprabhu Mandir,Hari Sabha Mandir

Nabadwip is a holy place, several  holy festival  are celebrated in Nabadwip. Rath Yatra, Dol Yatra, Gaur Purnima  are the well-known festival of  Nabadwip. Nabadwip is just 115 kilometre from Kolkata. You will get  several train from Sealdah for Nabadwip Dham. Getting at Nabadwip Dham, you have to take auto to go  Nabadwip Ghat. Then you have to cross river Bhagirathi to reach  Nabadwip. Bus service is also available for Nabadwip. From Esplanade , you will get buses for almost  each hour.

There are several private hotels in Nabadwip. You can book, guest house of
Nabadwip Municipality or ISKCON guest house.
Please keep in mind, Nabadwip is a holy place of traditional Hinduism.

Mayapur : Mayapur is situated just opposite side of the river Bhagirathi. You need to cross the river by ferry. Mayapur is famous for ISKON Temple. This is headquarter of ISKCON. The Radha Krishna idol  is the main attraction of Mayapur. By reaching there you will feel peace of mind and you will feel relaxed. Mayapur has its own rhythm, most of the visitor pray to Lord Krishna in the greeny and peaceful environment. Devotee form all around the world comes here to visit Lord Krishna. Mayapur celebrates several festival like Dol Jatra ,Rash  Jatra etc. Mayapur have several private hotels to stay, Hotel private restaurant to eat, beside this there are other option  Gaurav and Geeta Bhawan  in the ISKCON complex. You can take accommodation and fooding from  there. The ISKCON complexes is very large, you can visit by walk. You will see well maintained cow and can purchase elements  made from cow milk such as Ghee, Yogurt, Go-ark (distiled cow urine) and others. .This is called "Goshala" , that contain almost 200 cow and bulls.

Ballal Dhipi : Ballal Dhipi is near to Bamapukur Bazar. You can reach there by auto. Ballal dhipi is under Archaeological Survey of India. A Structural complex if Vikram Shila Bihar , maybe used for social learning and pilgrimage.

Monday, 28 May 2018

019 Weekend Tour Betla National Park

Betla National Park is situated at Latehar District of Jharkhand in India. Betla National Park is around 140 kilometre from Ranchi. Betla National Park is situated on the Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand.

Betla National Park is a national park, elephant, tiger, Leopard,  monkey, Samber, chital are natural inhabitant of the Jungle. Besides this animal, different kind of rare birds , different kind of  rare trees are found in Betla National Park . As you enter deep forest, you will see green all around jungles and hear creeping of birds the jungle. We found , small Board is attached with some trees, this boards gives information about the trees.

Betla National Park is 3 hours journey from Ranchi.The nearest Railway station of Betla National Park is Daltongung, which is around 25 km away.


For tourist , there are two option either elephant safari or by car. Elephant ride starts at 5 am in the morning. It is about  400 rupees per person. You can book Safari Jeep from the gate of Betla National Park or you can take your own car in the jungle, in both cases you have to hire guide. Guide charges 100 rupees per hour.


The most beautiful thing Betla National Park  is dear. You will see plenty of Deer in the jungle. Sambar, Mouse deer, monkey roaming around the jungle. In the Jungle you will find some ruin  of earlier  construction.


Some few number of private hotels is there , outside the Betla National Park. You can book van vihar  from OTDC. If you stay in the tree house, you will enjoy the dear. In the morning you will see that hundred of the dear  is roaming around your  room.

008 Node.js Zlib

The Node.js zlib used for compression implemented using Gzip and Deflate/Inflate.zlib module can be added as  

const obj = require('zlib');

Below is the code to compress file.

Example 1

const obj = require('zlib');
const gobj = obj.createGzip();
const fs = require('fs');
const inp = fs.createReadStream('myFile.txt');
const out = fs.createWriteStream('myFile.txt.gz');


Output :

Below is the code to de compress file.

Example 2
const obj = require('zlib');
const gobj = obj.createGzip();
const fs = require('fs');
const inp = fs.createReadStream('myFile.txt.gz');
const out = fs.createWriteStream('myFile.txt');


Output :



007 Node.js Errors

Node.js Applications generally experience 4 categories of errors:

Standard JavaScript errors :

System errors : Operating system constraints such as file does not exist, send data over a closed socket, etc;

User-specified errors:
User-specified errors triggered from application code.

AssertionErrors :
AssertionErrors are a special class of error that can be triggered whenever Node.js detects an exceptional logic violation that should never occur. 

Node.js errors inherit from the Error base class 


JavaScript errors are handled as exceptions,below is the example.

Example 1

try {
  const a = 1;
  const c = a + b;
} catch (err) {

Output :

ReferenceError: b is not defined

Below is a example of System errors ,We are going to open a file , that does not exists.

Example 2

const fs = require('fs');

function MyCallback(err, data) {
  if (err)
    console.error('There was an error opeing the file', err);
fs.readFile('C:/does-not-exist.txt', MyCallback);
Output :

There was an error opeing the file { Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\does-not-exist.txt'
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'C:\\does-not-exist.txt' } 

006 Node.js OS Module

Node.js provides the basic information about the information of Operating system.

  • arch() : Returns a string identifying the  operating system CPU architecture.
  • constants : Returns an object containing the  commonly used operating system's constants for process signals.
  • cpus() : Returns an array of objects containing information about the computer CPU core.
  • endiannes() : Returns a string identifying the endianness of the CPU on which Node.js compiled.
  • EOL :  string constant defining  end-of-line marker for the current operating system.
  • freemem() : Returns the amount of free memory of the system.
  • hostname() : Returns the hostname of the operating system.
  • loadavg() : Returns an array containing the load averages, (1, 5, and 15 minutes).
  • networkInterfaces() : Returns the network interfaces that has a network address.
  • platform() : Returns information about the operating system's platform.
  • release() : Returns a string identifying information about the operating system's release.
  • tmpdir() : Returns the operating system's default directory for temporary files.
  • totalmem() : Returns the number of amount memory of the system.
  • type() : Returns a string identifying the operating system name.
  • uptime() : Returns the uptime of the operating system, in seconds.
  • userInfo() : Returns information about the current user.

Example 1
 const os=require('os');

console.log("os.os.arch(): \n",os.arch()); 

console.log("os.endianness(): \n",os.endianness()); 

console.log("os.freemem(): \n",os.freemem()); 

console.log("os.homedir(): \n",os.homedir()); 

console.log("os.hostname(): \n",os.hostname()); 

console.log("os.loadavg(): \n",os.loadavg());

console.log("os.platform(): \n",os.platform());

console.log("os.release(): \n",os.tmpdir());

console.log("os.platform(): \n",os.platform());

console.log("os.totalmem(): \n",os.totalmem());

console.log("os.type(): \n",os.type());

console.log("os.uptime(): \n",os.uptime());
Output :

 [ 0, 0, 0 ]

Example 2

const os=require('os');
console.log("os.cpus(): \n",os.cpus());

Output :

 [ { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz',
    speed: 3093,
     { user: 53989468,
       nice: 0,
       sys: 17333000,
       idle: 390462515,
       irq: 379687 } },
  { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz',
    speed: 3093,
     { user: 53434718,
       nice: 0,
       sys: 18220625,
       idle: 390129406,
       irq: 63562 } },
  { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz',
    speed: 3093,
     { user: 46948515,
       nice: 0,
       sys: 17317781,
       idle: 397518453,
       irq: 54734 } },
  { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz',
    speed: 3093,
     { user: 50369218,
       nice: 0,
       sys: 16611015,
       idle: 394804515,
       irq: 60406 } } ]

023 Weekend Tour Dhap Dhapi Dakshineswar

Dhap Dhapi Dakshineswar is a temple near Dhap Dhapi. Dhap Dhapi is a railway station under Sealdah south division,  you need to hire local pedal van to come at Dhap Dhapi Dakshineswar Temple from Dhap Dhapi. If you are coming through road , you have to fast come to Baruipur and then by road to Dhap Dhapi

Dhap Dhapi Dakshineswar is a very old temple of Hindu religious God, called "Dashina Roy". It is believed, the God once domain the entier Sundarban  area. The temple contain the idol of "Dashina Roy"  armed with armor. Around 11 a.m in the morning worship starts. 

Devotee from different area and far away come to attend Pooja and make offer to  the God. You will find small stall all around The temple, you can purchase  offering from them. Several festivals  happens  in this temples. Nil, ambubachi, Sanyas ect. Famous and the most  festival is "Jatal Usav", which is considered the birthday of the God "Dashina Roy" in  the month of January. This time a large fair  happen around the Temple. Devotee from far away come to celebrate the festival.

Dhapapdhapi  was a Panchayat area earlier, now it is municipality area . Dhapdhapi is well connected with Roadways and Railways also. You will find some small shop to get your tiffin. But you will not get any hotels to stay here or no good restaurant.


বাঙালির বেড়ানো সেরা চারটি ঠিকানা

  বাঙালি মানে ঘোড়া পাগল | দু একদিন ছুটি পেলো মানে বাঙালি চলল ঘুরতে | সে সমুদ্রই হোক , পাহাড়ি হোক বা নদী হোক। বাঙালির ...