Monday, 11 June 2018

008 BackboneJS Model extend,constructor,get,set,escape

Models contain data of an application. Model contain business entity , with validation a business logic. Model is responsible to supply data to view  and get data from view for storage. Model is core object of in JavaScript application.Below are the list of method that can be used .
  1. extend
  2. constructor / initialize
  3. get
  4. set
  5. escape
  6. has
  7. unset
  8. clear
  9. id
  10. idAttribute
  11. cid
  12. attributes
  13. changed
  14. defaults
  15. toJSON
  16. sync
  17. fetch
  18. save
  19. destroy
  20. validate
  21. validationError
  22. isValid
  23. url
  24. urlRoot
  25. parse
  26. clone
  27. isNew
  28. hasChanged
  29. changedAttributes
  30. previous
  31. previousAttributes 

 1.extend : You can create custom Model class ,extend Backbone.Model and provide instance properties.

 syntax :Backbone.Model.extend(properties, [classProperties])

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<script type="text/javascript">

var student = new Backbone.Model({
             name: "john",
            class: 4

document.write('Here is the result :' + student.get('name') + '|' + student.get('class'));


Output :
Here is the result :john|4  

2.constructor / initialize :You can create instance of a model, you can pass in the initial values of the attributes to set model.
Initialize function is invoke when the model is created.


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        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

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<script type="text/javascript">

student = Backbone.Model.extend({
             name: "",
            class: ""
          initialize: function (a,b) 
               document.write("This is a initial function.");

              this.set("name", a);
             this.set("class", b);

var mymodel = new student('john',12);

document.write('Name :'+mymodel.get('name') + '');
document.write('class :' + mymodel.get('class') + '');


Output :

This is a initial function.
Name :john
class :12

3.get :Get the value of an attribute from the model.

syntax :model.get(attribute)

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        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

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<script type="text/javascript">

student = Backbone.Model.extend({
             name: "",
            class: ""
          initialize: function (a,b) 
               document.write("This is a initial function.");

              this.set("name", a);
             this.set("class", b);

var mymodel = new student('john',12);

document.write('Name :'+mymodel.get('name') + '');
document.write('class :' + mymodel.get('class') + '');


Output :

This is a initial function.
Name :john
class :12

4. set :Set a value of attributes  on the model.

Syntax :model.set(attributes, [options])


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        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

       <script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

student = Backbone.Model.extend({
             name: "",
            class: ""
          initialize: function (a,b) 
               document.write("This is a initial function.");

              this.set("name", a);
             this.set("class", b);

var mymodel = new student('john',12);

document.write('Name :'+mymodel.get('name') + '');
document.write('class :' + mymodel.get('class') + '');


Output :

This is a initial function.
Name :john
class :12

5.escape : Same like  get, but returns the HTML-escaped version of a model's attribute.


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<script type="text/javascript">

student = Backbone.Model.extend({
banner: ""
initialize: function (a, b) {
var htm = '
Name :
+ a + '
Ayan :'
+ b + '
this.set("banner", htm);
           var mymodel = new student('john',12);

           document.write('----------------Example of get------------');
           document.write(mymodel.get('banner') + '');

           document.write('----------------Example of escape------------');
           document.write(mymodel.escape('banner') + '');


Output :


007 BackboneJS Built-in Events Reset,Sort,Change,Destroy

reset : Trigger if the collection's all contents have been reset.Passing empty will clear all option or you can specify your options.

  • collection.reset([models], [options])
  • collection.reset() 

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            <script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

          var obj1 = Backbone.Model.extend({
                              name: "john",
                              class: "2"

         var objCollcetion = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: obj1});

         var obj2 = new obj1({ name: "john2", class: "3" });
         var obj3 = new obj1({ name: "john3", class: "4" });

         var objCollcetion = new objCollcetion();
         objCollcetion.add([obj2, obj3]);

        document.write('Here is the result' + '');

        objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) 
              document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');

        document.write('---------------------' + '');

       document.write('Here is the result after reset' + '');

       objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) 

             document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');

Output :

Here is the result
Here is the result after reset

sort : Trigger if  collection has been re-sorted.Collection with a comparator will sort itself whenever a model is added.


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               <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

              <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var student = Backbone.Model.extend({
             name: "",
             class: ""

var students = 
                       { name: 'John6', class: '3' },
                        { name: 'John3', class: '4' },
                       { name: 'John7', class: '9' }

var objCollcetion = new Backbone.Collection(students, 
                          model: student,
                          comparator: 'name'

document.write('Here is the sorted result' + '');

objCollcetion.each(function (model, index, list) 
             document.write(model.get('name') + '|' + model.get('class') + '');


Output :

Here is the sorted result

change :Trigger if model's attributes have changed.


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        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

        <script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

         var student = Backbone.Model.extend({
                                        name: "john",
                                        class: "2"             
                               initialize: function () 
                              this.bind("change:name", function (model)
                                document.write('You have changed your model , chnaged event fired');

var stuObj = new student();

document.write('Here is the result : ' + stuObj.get("name")+'');

stuObj.set({ name: 'john2' });

document.write('Here is the result : ' + stuObj.get("name") + '');

Output :

Here is the result : john
You have changed your model , chnaged event fired
Here is the result : john2

destroy :Trigger if model is destroyed.Destroys the model on the server by delegating an HTTP DELETE request to Backbone.sync.

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<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src=""

<script src=""

<script type="text/javascript">

         Backbone.sync = function (method, model) 
                   document.write(method + ": " + JSON.stringify(model) + "
                   model.set('id', 1);

       var student = new Backbone.Model
                             name: "john",
                             class: 4


Output :

create: {"name":"john","class":4}
delete: {"name":"john","class":4,"id":1}


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